Monday, October 08, 2007

Love Languages

We finished reading the Love Languages book. I started it back in June and then it got put aside until this week, and Matt and I had a sort of marathon reading session.

Matt's love language is acts of service, specifically the house being clean. That speaks volumes to him when I get things done around the house. Of course that's the lowest score I had, and it is the hardest one for me to do because I just don't think that way. I'm trying very hard this week and I've been somewhat successful. I'll get better.

My love language is physical touch. I need that type of contact all the time or I feel completely cut off. And once again Matt and I are opposites and that is his lowest score. He doesn't think of touching me affectionately outside of sex so it doesn't happen often. He has promised to try to be better too, just as I'm trying to be better about acts of service for him.

It was nice to have something structured to talk through. Half the time when we talk about us I feel like we both just ramble aimlessly. Apparently we need to go to counseling more often to relearn how to talk to each other.


akakarma said...

Great book, good work naive and Matt! Hope the baby is well/ Michael too!

kissmekate said...

Totally agree that this is a great book.

Charlie and I are also opposites, him being physical touch and me being quality time.

Hope you guys can make the necessary adjustments to fill each others needs a little better.

BobetteBryan said...

It's great that you're both working on your marriage. I'll check out that book. Another great one is Gary Neuman's, "Emotional Infidelity: How to Affair Proof Your Marriage." I think every couple should read it.

I wish you both the best of luck,


akakarma said...

I've tagged you for a bit of fun, if you feel up to it! Come to my site to see the instructions. Hope you can play a little. Also hope all is well!