Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Naming Things

You'll notice that names have been assigned to the major players in my story. The list is on the right, just so that everyone knows what's going on. Names will be easier to use than the initials I've been using all along, and now that I really know I'm sticking with this blogging thing it's just better and easier for all of us.

Yesterday was *the day* and we marked the occasion by sitting in counseling for quite a long time. I did not do so well yesterday, and today is not looking any better. I'll write a proper post about it later tonight.


kissmekate said...

Be strong and try and stay positive.

Know that your feelings are completely normal and you have the right to feel like you do.


always kris said...

Found you by way of Kate's blog. I read your blog from beginning to end. I dont have any advice, I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. Take care of yourself and the baby.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there- it does get better. Each d-day anniversary is a little easier. SOrry I can't think of anything more interesting and fresh but there it is.