Thank god for my laptop and an awesome care provider for our son. I'm so worried about how Little Guy is going to deal with things already, and to add on top that I'm sick and he's not old enough to really understand why I can't get down on the floor to play trucks, or even to get him a cup. I'm not to get up except for bathroom, food and shower. How do you explain that to a toddler? It makes it a little harder that I'm home and available to him more hours a day now that my big contract is up. My work week is drastically cut back (thank goodness!), but that means that my son thinks that means I should be able to play the whole time. I'd love to, but it just can't be. I'm allowed to work from bed, but that means no client meetings. Clients have been wonderful about the sudden change, and I just have to keep my updates going to keep them happy. I can do all of that from the computer, no need to be up.
Matt and I are doing okay. I wish he would show his concern more, but I know he keeps from telling me when he's worried about me because he doesn't want to worry me more. When I was in labor with Little Guy and they told me I had to go in right away for surgery, he told me I'd be great and so would the baby, and then he went out in the hall with his mom and cried like crazy. He told me later he thought he'd lose both of us. Of course, he didn't tell me that until almost a year later, and only because we had a session concerning the trauma of our son's birth...
I will never really understand this part of it-- the fact that I have told him over and over that he needs to tell me these things means nothing. He still holds back. Because of that I felt like he didn't really care that I and the baby were having problems back then, and I'm feeling pretty much the same thing right now. This time I know better, but the feeling is still there. It makes me wonder a little if he really doesn't care as much this time since he knows I've come through much worse. He's been trying to come home earlier and leave a little later in the morning to spend time with little guy, and he's taken over all the household stuff that I usually do. To him that says "I care, I'm concerned, I love you." And I know that now. But a girl still likes to hear it in real words.
A good book (while you're in bed) is Languages of Love. It speaks to the different ways/styles of loving that we all use or expect and it does a great job of helping us interpret folks who do it differently than we do! Hope all goes well!
Thanks, Karmawendy. Is it the same or similar to The Five Love Languages? I'm about to make an order at Amazon to keep myself busy. If I'm really going to be in bed for 8+ weeks I'd like to have something to do besides being online all the time. That almost always leads to me googling the OW. bleh.
Isn't it funny that Charlie and I have been through this exact some phase last week? Emotional connection is so important to us and I also had an issue with him not talking to me about things that were troubling him.
Why are men so stone cold when it comes to emotions? It's OK to cry, but they just can't seem to do it in front of us.
Charlie and I argued about his concept and he actually went to a book store and purchased himself some books about the emotional connection. He purchased "Emotional Intelligence" and another one that we have started reading together called "Why Women talk and Men walk".
The book we have started reading appears to be really good. I can recommend it based on the few chapters we have read.
I can also recommend "The Five Love Languages" because it is a great book.
Anyway, I hope the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful for you and bubs arrives without any complications. I also know how hard it is to be dealing with a difficult pregnancy and a toddler.
Not long to go now till you meet your precious bundle!
Duh- It is the Five Love Languages of ! I can make up a great blog but make me remember a great book's name!Enjoy!
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